Tuesday 9 July 2013


My response to the recent alterations in bus services across Glasgow has been to try to avoid using the bus at all.

Avoid using the bus at all

As someone who is ill and therefore cannot walk far, the main reason for using the bus before was that it went closest to my final destination without the need to change routes in the city centre.

This for the majority of my journeys is now not available and therefore First Glasgow Simplicity has made journeys more COMPLEX not simpler!


I have therefore been getting the train instead. Although it does involve a longer walk at one end at least I know that I will get there, and I know the time of arrival which was not always the case with the bus. And I do not need to try to coordinate two buses at different bus stops in the city centre which is virtually impossible.

Coordination of two routes in city centre virtually impossible

It has also proved to be slightly cheaper overall although I no longer have the freedom of having my bus pass at hand for additional journeys.

First Glasgow have removed two of the main reasons to use their services in this latest gimmick to save money i.e. the comprehensive coverage of their route network, and the simplicity and ease with which you can use it.

Re-regulate the bus services

It is a far cry from the bus services pre-deregulation. These were there to serve the public not provide profits for the companies which provide them. Perhaps under independence if the Scots vote for it we may have the chance to re-regulate our bus services once more. Vote Yes!

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