Planning Services
South Ayrshire Council
Burns House
Burns Statue Square
Dear Sir/Madam,
At the end of Lady Margaret Drive the entrance to Fullarton Woods is blocked by a metal fence, and the path behind is overgrown through lack of use. I was rather confused since the woodland behind the fence is a public space and the road in front of the fence is also a public space.
I discovered by calling South Ayrshire Council in 2006 that the fence had not been erected by South Ayrshire Council and indeed had been placed there illegally by the owner of the adjacent property. Several steps in the past had been taken to have it removed but this had not been followed up recently as no complaints had been received about the lack of a ‘right of way’ at the place in the recent past.
I wish to make a complaint about this fence and ask what steps you intend to take to have it removed. I also wish to complain that although this fence has been erected there illegally you have time and time again ignored pleas to have something done about it.
Thanks for your help and I continue to look forward to a speedy
and satisfactory resolution to this matter.
Yours sincerely
Christopher Crawford
NB: An update regarding this will follow shortly once I am able to do some additional research, having received a response from South Ayrshire Council
NB: An update regarding this will follow shortly once I am able to do some additional research, having received a response from South Ayrshire Council