Friday, 1 October 2010

email of 29.09.2010 to Philip Saxton regarding Marr

From: cdbc81 Crawford (
Sent: 29 September 2010 17:03:42
Dear Mr Saxton,

Given that I have not received any response (to my email of 9th August 2010) regarding the matter of the future of Marr College I can only assume that you are not particularly interested in the future of Marr College and also the secondary educational future of the children of Troon. This directly constrasts with some of your other colleagues.
No wonder not many people vote in council elections.

Your lack of response has therefore been noted.
I look forward to the outcome of the consultation though.

Given my experience of consultations in the past I do not hold out very much hope that the concerted campaign to get South Ayrshire Council to refurbish the original Marr building rather than build a new school on the playing fields will have made a great deal of difference, as I have never before been involved in one which has resulted in any significant difference. This is despite votes taking place at the public meetings indicating that a large majority of local people are for refurbishment that do not appear in the official minutes of those meetings, a petition (that South Ayrshire Council have stated that they will not take any attention of, even despite its 1229 names and counting) and letter/ email writing with reasoned arguments in response to each of the statements arguing for building a new school on the playing fields.

I do hope I am proved wrong and that the refurbishment option is selected.


Christopher Crawford (ex Marr pupil)
81 Meadowpark Street
Flat G2
G31 2SH
tel: 0141 554 4079

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