Tuesday, 1 May 2012


After being made redundant 5 years ago I have applied for many hundreds of jobs and had one unsuccessful interview.

£71 per week JSA 

Given my extended period of unemployment I went first to college (for the second time in my life) and each summer having not successfully gained employment I went first back to college and then onto university. There I achieved an Honours Degree in a Computing related discipline. This I didn’t necessarily want but I thought it better to do something positive.

I have therefore now got over £20000 of student debt to add to my mortgage. I am fortunate that when I was working I was careful with my money, was able to save and have no other outstanding debts.

Without savings meaning I could buy food I would have starved to death

Currently on Job Seekers Allowance I am expected to live on £71.00 per week (increased in April 2012 from £67.50, an increase which the UK Government would have loved to renege on).

Thank goodness I saved some money when I was working as without my savings I would not have had money to buy food since May 2011 and would have starved to death. 

There is no money for ‘luxuries’ like food, clothing and soap to wash myself.

My £71 covers all but £1.75 worth of my housing, television license, phone, dental, minimum travel costs and electricity (and I am freezing cold in the winter to save money on heating costs). There is no money for ‘luxuries’ like food, clothing and soap to wash myself.

In addition the popular media dubs me a layabout and the Government says benefits are too generous. What planet do they live on?

Next year I estimate my savings will run out. How will I live on £71 per week?

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