Saturday, 22 September 2012

How to stop visiting cats from soiling your garden

In most town and city gardens even if you do not have a cat, your neighbour’s feline companions have a tendency to relieve themselves in flower beds and even on lawns.

They do not realise that it is unpleasant for their human companions on this Earth and do not mean any harm. Indeed they usually try to bury it in order to help. But the fact remains it is absolutely disgusting to discover this in your garden and indeed get a smell of it rather than the cultivated plants and flowers as it is particularly pungent and unpleasant.

I have found a way to discourage cats from doing this without damaging them or indeed the plants. It is not absolutely foolproof and needs to be renewed over and over again but it does significantly help on most occasions.

Cats in general do not like the smell of citrus fruit or indeed garlic. So my suggested solution involves both these things…

To do this follow the steps below…
1.      Collect citrus peel from eaten oranges, used lemons and limes.
2.      Buy some new or use old past its best garlic cloves.
3.      Collect used teabags.
4.      Collect old or broken plant pots, the terracotta ones are best as they will not take off in the wind.
5.      Once you have collected a quantity of these items place the citrus peel in pot on your stove.
6.      Ideally crush the garlic cloves and add this to the citrus peel.
7.      Add a quantity of water to cover most of the peel.
8.      Boil up the mixture until the peel is soft.
9.      Take the used teabags and dip these in the resulting smelly liquid.
10.  Place these teabags predominantly in the area of the garden affected, under the broken or old plant pots so the smell does not get too quickly washed away in the rain.
11.  If you have too many teabags drop these on the affected areas although these will lose their smell more quickly than those under the plant pots. When they start to decompose and are dug into the soil they will add fertility and structure to the soil.
12.  If you have too much liquid which is likely pour this over stones or bricks which are slightly pourous which will also retain the smell for longer.

Although your garden will smell slightly of garlic and citrus at the level of humans when standing up, it will smell much stronger at ground level where the cats are thus repelling them without harming them in any way.

Hopefully this will solve your ‘pussy poop’ problems.

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