Thursday, 31 January 2013

Modernisation of Marr College

I decided to write to Mike Russell early in the New Year to ask if the transfer of ownership of Marr College from the Marr Trust to South Ayrshire Council was a condition of their funding of the refurbishment and demolition and replacement of the existing extension.

The Scottish Government have stated in their letter to me of 20.01.2013 that '...the issues you raise with regard to the transfer of ownership of the school are a matter entirely for South Ayrshire Council to consider.' and 'This is the case even when the Government are providing funding for a school project such as through the Scotland's Schools for the Future programme.'

Therefore the question now must go to South Ayrshire Council - why do they have to purchase the school as part of a refurbishment when this will reduce the amount available for that refurbishment? It is in their bid for funding from the Scottish Government that they intended to do this, but I do not know why?

I cannot think of what possible advantage to the school that this offers. I can however think of the advantage to South Ayrshire Council who since Strathclyde Region days have been trying to get their hands on the buildings.

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